
CBN Powder

CBN Powder
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) is a new type synthetic super hard marerial. It is one kind of superabrasives that has the most thermal stability and its hardness is only second to the diamond .
Being a non carbon based material, it does not chemically interact with ferrous materials like diamond does at high temperatures. The specific characteristic makes CBN ideally suited for machining ferrous materials and super alloys.Cubic boron nitride is synthesized from hexagonal boron nitride and catalyze under the condition of high temperature(1400-1900℃) and high pressure(3000-8000MPa).The common color of industrial CBN is amber and black.

CBN Powder

Black color, irregular shape, low toughness, easily fragile monocrystalline suited for use in the resin bond applications.

CBN Powder

Black color , semi-blocky , semi-toughness, good sharpness.
Usually used for resin bond and vitrified bond systems.

CBN Powder

Ambercolor, irregular monocrystalline with excellent self-sharpen ability, semi-toughness. Used for resin bond system.

CBN Powder

Amber color , good transparent, regular shape ,high toughness .
Widely used for vitrified bond and electroplating tools.



Black color,blocky shape, high toughness and thermal stability.
Widely used on vitrified sintered and electroplated metal tools in the high-temperature and high-speed grinding system.



Dark brown color , irregular monocrystalline with sharp edge, high tough and thermal stability. It highly suited for use in the most demanding vitrified bond, electroplate and metal bond applications.



Dark brown color , complete crystal form ,high tough and thermal stability .It suits for use in the vitrified bond.



Golden color ,blocky ,high tough and superior thermal stability .
Aggressive , long-life performance is provided by this crystal .
This tough crystal is the best option for electroplated tools.